Bulk upload assignment feedback in myCourses

After downloading assignment submissions and adding comments to student assignments, you can upload the files with your feedback for all students simultaneously. 

Bulk upload feedback files

  1. On the main Assignments page, click the name of the assignment you want to upload feedback for.

  2. Click Add feedback files at the top of the page.

  3. Drag and drop the feedback files from your computer into the Upload box, or zip the files and click Upload to browse your computer for the .zip file.

  4. By default, the system overwrites duplicate upload files. If you want to keep duplicates, deselect the checkbox beside Overwrite duplicate files.

  5. Click Add to start uploading the feedback.

  6. After the files are finished uploading, click Close.

Feedback files that were renamed and did not automatically associate with the correct student will be displayed under Distribute feedback. See the next section for how to manually distribute these feedback files.

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Manually distribute feedback files

If you renamed any files after downloading them from myCourses, you will be prompted to manually distribute the feedback files to students.

  1. Click on a file to associate it with a student.

  2. Click the name of the student you want to send the feedback to.

  3. Repeat until all feedback is distributed.

  4. Click Close.

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