Import grades to myCourses

Before importing grades, ensure the spreadsheet has been properly formatted.

In this article:

Import grades

  1. Click Grades on your course navigation bar to access the Enter Grades page.

  2. Click Import at the top of the page.

  3. Click Browse… to locate and select your prepared .csv (or .txt) file.

  4. Select the checkbox beside Create new grade item when an unrecognized item is referenced.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. If the grade item names from your spreadsheet do not already exist in your grade book, you will be taken through the steps to Create New Grade Items.

    1. Make sure all checkboxes are selected in the Create New Grade Item column for the items you want to create.

    2. Click Continue.

    3. Under New Grade Item Properties, select or enter the Max. Points value and Weight for your new items.

    4. Click Continue.

  7. On the Errors and Warnings page, you may see information about unrecognized users (e.g. students who dropped the course) or incompatible grade values on your spreadsheet (e.g. you entered grades out of 100, but the grade item’s Max Points value is 25). See Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

  8. Click Continue to ignore any errors and continue.

  9. On the final Preview Import page, review the grades that will be imported.

    1. If you have more than 20 students, select 200 from the per page drop-down list at the top- or bottom-right to view all students.

    2. If you have more than 200 students, click the arrow to go to the next page.

  10. Click Import at the bottom left corner of the page.

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Frequently asked questions 

Click on the question to display the answer.

 Detailed instructions can be found in Import Grades from a Spreadsheet into myCourses.

 No. These number signs will not interfere with the import either way.

 No. Grades can be imported in any order.

 myCourses requires a spreadsheet to have specific formatting to ensure that the correct grades are imported. A spreadsheet will not import if it contains any of the following:

  • Incorrectly named grade item column headings that do not end with Points Grade (for Numeric or Pass/Fail Grade Items) or Text Grade (for Text Grade Items).

  • Final grades without Adjusted Final Grade Numerator and Adjusted Final Grade Denominator columns.

  • Duplicate grade item column heading, even if a different item type, such as Assignment 1 Points Grade and Assignment 1 Text Grade.

  • The following non-alphanumeric characters: / “ * + = | % ; ‘

  • Any characters in the OrgDefinedId column other than the number sign # and McGill IDs.

  • A space after a column heading, McGill ID, or numeric grade value.

  • The following columns exported from myCourses:

    • Weighted Grade

    • Grade Scheme

    • Selectbox grade items

    • Formula grade items

    • Calculated grade items (including Final Calculated Grades)

    • Subtotal columns (for Grade Categories)

  • Text grades saved with OpenOffice or another non-Microsoft spreadsheet program.

  • Grades saved or exported to a spreadsheet using a French operating system.

 Yes, unless you are using OpenOffice or a French operating system. Just download the sample file, paste your grades into the existing fields, save, and upload. You can rename or delete any extra columns later on the Manage Grades page in myCourses.

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