Score and grade assignments in Perusall

You can set up custom links for each Perusall assignment that permit the import of grades from Perusall to myCourses. 

Students must access their Perusall assignments from these specific links. If they access Perusall from general links, then grades may not pass back correctly. If you intend to use grade synchronization between these platforms, it’s recommended that you remove any Perusall links from your course that do not link to a specific assignment.

Link Perusall to your myCourses grade book

  1. Create an assignment on Perusall, see Manage content in Perusall for more steps.

  2. Open the assignment in Perusall and select Copy full title for LMS.

  3. Return to the Perusall module in your myCourses Content section, or create a new module.  

  4. Select Add Existing Activities and then click External Learning Tools

  5. In the pop-up window that appears, scroll down and click Create New LTI Link.

  6. In the Title field, you must paste the exact title copied from your Perusall assignment. Do not change this text.

  7. In the LTI URL field, enter this link:

  8. Click Create and Insert. This will create a new content item within the module.

  9. Click the arrow beside your new content item and select Edit Properties In-place.

  10. Click the checkbox for Open as External Resource and then refresh the page.

This specific Perusall assignment should now be linked to your myCourses Gradebook and grades will sync once per hour. Check your Perusall Gradebook to confirm if the passback was correctly configured. If there is a red exclamation point next to a grade, then there may be an issue with the LTI. Please contact TLS or book a consultation for more information. 

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