Manage a course in Perusall

In this article: 

Add Perusall to Content tab in myCourses

To use Perusall in myCourses, you must add it to the Content tab.

Current Content Experience

To add Perusall:

  1. In the Content tab, select the module to which Perusall will be added.

  2. Select Add Existing Activities and then select External Learning Tools. The Add Activities window will appear.

  3. Select Perusall from the list. Perusall will be added to your module.

New Content Experience

To add Perusall:

  1. In the Content tab, select the module to which Perusall will be added.

  2. Select Add Existing  and then select External Tool Activity. The Insert an External Learning Tool window will appear.

  3. Select Perusall from the list. Perusall will be added to your module.

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Create a course

To create a course:

  1. Navigate to the Content tab of your course in myCourses.

  2. Select the module to which you added Perusall. A course will automatically be created.

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Delete a course

To delete a course in Perusall:

  1. Navigate to Settings, select General.

  2. Select Delete Course at the bottom of the page. The course will be deleted. 

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Manage permissions

To give another individual (for example, a Teaching Assistant or Graduate Course Assistant) full access to your course as an instructor:

  1. Select Settings and then Access. 

  2. Enter a list of email address(es) of the instructor(s) you want to add, separated by commas, semicolons, or spaces. Each instructor will receive an email invitation to join the course. They will have full access, including access to all student data.

If you want to share the content of your course (documents, assignments, settings, and instructor comments), but not student data, you can provide a "copy code" to another instructor so they can copy your course. The copy code is found under Settings > Access. The instructor can use the copy code in the Library tab, via the Add > Material from another course function.

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View Perusall from a student perspective

To view your Perusall course from a student perspective:

  1. In the left navigation panel, select Student View. Perusall will create a temporary student account for you and log you in to that account.

  2. When you are done, log out or close your browser window. You can then log back in with your instructor account.

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Reuse Perusall content

If you previously used Perusall, you can migrate your content to a new course. All student work from your previous course will be archived. To reuse course content:

  1. Add Perusall in the Content tab of your course in myCourses.

  2. Open Perusall.

  3. Navigate to the Library tab. Select Add and then Material from another course to copy documents and assignments.

Once you have copied your materials, you will need to adjust assignment due dates, as required.

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Archive courses

Perusall considers any course past its end date to be "archived." To set an end date:

  • Navigate to Settings and then select General. You can also retroactively archive a course by setting an end date that is before today's date.

Archived courses:

  • Will show up in a separate list on your course home page.

  • Will not allow students to enroll, so students cannot accidentally enroll in an old version of a course using an old course code.

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