Modify Polling @ McGill settings

Slido, McGill’s polling tool, allows you to adjust several settings.

In this article: 

Access the slido event settings

  1. Select the event you want to modify and click on the Settings button in the top-right corner of the window.

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  • Basic information

    • Event name: Name the Slido event.

    • Start and end date: Indicate the range of time when the event will be available.

    • Event code: Use the event code, a series of numbers or a word (e.g., #12345, #BIEN580) that identifies the event, to share the event with students.

    • Event link: Give students access to the event by sharing the event link.

    • Additional settings: Add location, language, and time zone to the poll information. 

  • Share access: Grant editing access to other members of the McGill community (i.e., instructors, TAs). 

  • Multiple rooms: Create multiple rooms within a single event code.


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  • Hidden from search: When enabled, this setting prevents users without the event code from entering the event. 

This setting is enabled by default. It is recommended to keep this setting on.

  • Participant privacy: Privacy options for students when responding to polls (open questions in particular) and using the Q&A tool include:

    • Anonymous by default; named by default; always stay anonymous; always require name.

  • Require authentication:

    • Disabled: The poll event is anonymous.

    • Basic: Students must enter one or several of the following options before entering the event: require name; require passcode; require email address.

    • SAML SSO: Students must enter their McGill credentials before entering the event. No XML file is needed; just select and save.

  • Restrict who can access the event: Restrict specific email addresses or domains from accessing your event.

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Features that are enabled will appear in the top menu of the Slido event: 

For settings specific to each feature, enable the feature and click on the (arrow). 

  • Audience Q&A: Allow students to ask questions. For more information, check how to run a Q&A event.

  • Live polls: Run polls where students answer synchronously or asynchronously. Available settings:

    • Fixed order of poll options: Prevent a random order of options in multiple choice and ranking questions.

    • Vote counter: When enabled, show the number of students who voted in your poll.

    • Poll results: When enabled, show the number of votes instead of percentages.

  • Ideas (Beta): Collect ideas from students in brainstorming activities; enable or disable downvotes, replies, anonymous ideas; limit characters per post.

  • Agenda: Make a simple schedule for your event visible to students.

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  • Branding: Choose a logo for your event. The McGill logo is available by default.

  • Present mode: Customize the look and feel of your Slido event during Present mode. 

    • Themes: Change the background color or image of your event.

    • Join event via QR code: Allow students to join the event by scanning a QR code that appears in Present mode (when enabled). This feature is useful when students see your screen during a lecture.

    • Audience Q&A: Define the number of Q&A questions displayed in Present mode if you want to show the most recent question or highlighted questions.

  • Participant mode: Customize the look and feel of the Participant mode, which is the interface students will use to interact with your Slido event.

    • Custom theme: Set custom colors for Participant mode.

    • Welcome screen: Display a welcome screen to your students.

    • External links: Insert links to external resources that your students can access from the side menu.

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