Track student attendance in Zoom

Zoom attendance reports allows you to track and grade attendance in your Zoom sessions. Once a session has ended, you can run a report that shows a list of all the students who joined a session, their e-mail addresses, the times at which each student arrived, and the time at which each student left, and the grade assigned. You can view reports through the Zoom page in myCourses and export the grades to the gradebook.

TLS highly recommends restricting all Zoom sessions to authenticated McGill users only, except where absolutely necessary. For further details, see our manage security in Zoom page.

In this article:

Enable attendance reports in myCourses

  • Attendance reports are only available for meetings created by the instructor.

  • Only the instructor can enable attendance reports in Zoom.

  • The report will not be generated if the host is the only participant in the meeting or if the meeting is less than 5 minutes long.

  1. In the Zoom tab of your course, click on the three-dot button on the top-right corner of the window and select Attendance Report Setting.

  2. Check Enable Attendance Reports and fill in all the textboxes according to your grading preferences. Click Save.

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Review attendance reports and add grades to the gradebook

  1. In the Zoom tab of your course, click on the Previous Meetings tab.

  2. Next to the desired meeting, click Report, Attendance Grade Report

  3. Review the Final Grade column, and adjust if needed.

  4. Click Submit Grade in the top-left corner of the window. Click Submit. Once the attendance grades have been submitted, the grades will be available in the gradebook.

  5. Grades will be available in the D2L Gradebook as an assignment, with the naming convention AttendanceReport-YYYY-MM-DD, where the date format is the scheduled start time of the meeting.

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